Thread Safe Circular Queue in C#

While completing a screen for a Software Development Engineer in Test (SDTE) position for Microsoft I had to implement a thread safe circular queue.

The question was the following:

Implement a circular queue of integers of user-specified size using a simple array. Provide routines to initialize(), enqueue() and dequeue() the queue. Make it thread safe. A really good observation was: Please do not to use existing class libraries for this question. Thanks!

My first attempt was obviously get more information about a circular queue and bring it back to my mind. That's because I had studied it a long time ago when I was in the beginning of the computer engineering course. If you don't use it you forget it. That's the truth.

This post aims to present an implementation of a thread safe circular queue in C#. I won't deal with theory. For theory, I advise you to read the Wikipedia article about circular queue (buffer) to get started.

I reused some code from the links I present in the references section at the end of this post.

I'll break down the code I implemented so that you can go through the functions that were asked in the problem statement.

class ThreadSafeCircularQueue
  private int[] queue;
  private int head;
  private int tail;
  private int length;

  static Object thisLock = new Object();

  public CircularQueue()


The class ThreadSafeCircularQueue has five properties: an integer array (the queue) and the queue's head, tail and length. A static object thisLock is used to make the queue thread safe.

private void Initialize()
  head = tail = -1;

  Console.Write("Circular Queue size: ");

  string length = Console.ReadLine();

  this.length = int.Parse(length);

  queue = new int[this.length];

The function Initialize() does what its name means. The queue's head and tail are set to appropriate values and the user has the opportunity of specifying the queue's size (length) by entering an integer value. A new queue is then created and has the user specified size.

The Enqueue() and Dequeue() functions shown bellow do the hard work, that is, they control all the circular queue functionality.

The Enqueue() function receives an integer value to be enqueued. Note the use of the thisLock variable. It is used so that we get thread safety, that is, all the code section inside the lock statement can't be executed by two threads at the same time. This avoids the problem of two concurrent threads trying to access the queue data structure simultaneously. If it's not controlled in the source code level we can get invalid values in the queue what could lend to a corrupted queue. That's not what is expected. When the code section that is inside the lock statement is being executed by a thread and other thread reaches the same section of code, this second thread waits till the first thread exits such code section. This way the queue has a valid set of values and its data is maintained secure.

Firstly is checked if the queue is full. It is full when it's head points to index 0 and its tail points to length - 1 or when its tail + 1 equals the same value of head. Remember that it is a circular queue.

In case the queue is full a message is shown to the user. If it still has room we check if the "end" of the queue (tail) that points to the last element has an index of length minus 1. If it is then the tail will now point to the the "start" of the queue. The other possibility is to increment the tail variable. The position referenced by the tail variable is then used to enqueue the value parameter into the queue. Then the just enqueued value is printed in the screen. A check is done to verify if the head variable has a value of -1. If it's the case then head will point to index 0.

private void Enqueue(int value)
    if((head == 0 && tail == length - 1)  (tail + 1 == head))
      Console.WriteLine("Circular queue is full.");

      if(tail == length - 1)
        tail = 0;

      queue[tail] = value;

      Console.WriteLine("In -> {0}", value);

    if(head == -1)
      head = 0;

The Dequeue() function also uses the lock statement because it must be a thread safe function.

Firstly is checked if the queue's head points to -1. Remember that in the Initialize() function when the queue is initialized its head and tail variables are set to -1. If head has a value of -1 then the queue is empty and the user is informed about that. A value of -1 is returned to conform with the function signature that needs to return an integer value.

If the queue is not empty the integer variable v receives the value that is indexed in the queue's head position. The value 0 is then assigned to the position that was just dequeued.

Now it's necessary to update the head position inside the queue. To accomplish that it's checked if head is equal tail, if it is, then head = tail = -1. This last operation states that the queue is empty after the dequeue operation. Else it's checked if head is equal length - 1. If it is the case then head receives 0. The last possible condition increments the value of head. In the end the value being dequeued (v) is printed in the screen.

Printing the values in the screen is a good way of keeping track of what is going on while the program is running.

private void Dequeue()
    int value;

    if(head == -1)
      Console.WriteLine("Circular queue is empty.");

      value = -1;
      value = queue[head];
      queue[head] = 0;

      if(head == tail)
        head = tail = -1;
        if(head == length - 1)
          head = 0;

    Console.WriteLine("Out -> {0}", value);

Now take a look at the Show() function bellow. Again the lock is present. Why? In an instant you'll get to the point. Hold your horses! :-)

A check is done to verify if the queue is empty. If it is the case the callee function just returns to the caller function. If it is not the case we proceed to show the values already present in the queue. If tail is less than head a for loop starting in 0 and ending in length - 1 iterates the queue and each value is written in the screen. Otherwise a for loop starting in 0 end ending in tail iterates the queue and each value is written in the screen.

private void Show()
    int i;

    if(head == -1)
      Console.WriteLine("Circular queue is empty.");

      if(tail < head)
        //for(i = head; i <= size - 1; i++)
        for(i = 0; i <= length - 1; i++)
          Console.Write("{0} ", queue[i]);
        //for(i = head; i <= tail; i++)
        for(i = 0; i <= tail; i++)
          Console.Write("{0} ", queue[i]);


The following is the EnqueueDequeue() function responsible for calling the Queue(), Dequeue() and Show() functions. In this function I execute a simple test case and comment the operations being carried out.

public void EnqueueDequeue()
  Enqueue(5); // Circular queue is full!
  Dequeue(); // Circular queue is empty!
  Dequeue(); // Circular queue is empty!

  // Supposing a 4 size queue:  0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0
  //                            1 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 1
  //                            1 ¦ 2 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 2
  //                            1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 3
  //                            1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4  <- Enqueue 4
  //                            1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4  <- Circular queue is full when trying to enqueue 5.
  //                            0 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4  <- Dequeue 1
  //                            0 ¦ 0 ¦ 3 ¦ 4  <- Dequeue 2
  //                            0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 4  <- Dequeue 3
  //                            0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Dequeue 4
  //                            0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Circular queue is empty when trying to dequeue.
  //                            0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Circular queue is empty when trying to dequeue.
  //                            6 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 6
  //                            6 ¦ 7 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 7
  //                            0 ¦ 7 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Dequeue 6
  //                            0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Dequeue 7
  //                            8 ¦ 0 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 8
  //                            8 ¦ 9 ¦ 0 ¦ 0  <- Enqueue 9
  // * 0 is set in a position when dequeueing so that it's easier to watch the queue variable.

Now the main start thread:

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    ThreadSafeCircularQueue circularQueue = new ThreadSafeCircularQueue();

    Thread[] threads = new Thread[10];

    for(int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++)
      threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(circularQueue.EnqueueDequeue));

    for(int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++)


As you can see above I declare an object of type ThreadSafeCircularQueue. An array of 10 objects of type Thread is then created. In a for loop I instantiate each Thread passing to it a delegate that represents the method that'll be invoked when the thread begins executing.

In the subsequent for loop I call the Start() method of each thread and they start executing simultaneously, tough they won't concur when accessing the functions Enqueue(), Dequeue() and Show().

Visual Studio C# Console Application
You can get the Microsoft Visual Studio Project and the app executable at:

During the research phase of this implementation I recurred to some sites to get more information regarding the circular queue data structure. The following list can provide you a better understanding of such a data structure.

Thread Safety articles
[1] Venners, Bill. Designing for Thread Safety: Using Synchronization, Immutable Objects, and Thread-Safe Wrappers. 1998. Available at <>. Accessed on April 29, 2008.

[2] Suess, Michael. A Short Guide to Mastering Thread-Safety. 2006. Available at <>. Accessed on April 29, 2008.

[3] Allen, K. Scott. Statics & Thread Safety: Part II. 2004. Available at <>. Accessed on April 29, 2008.

Circular Queue sample code
[4] Kumar, Nunna Santhosh. Circular Queue Implementation using Arrays in C++. Available at <>. Accessed on April 29, 2008.

Thread material
[5] Albahari, Joseph. Threading in C#. 2007. Available at <>. Accessed on April 29, 2008.

Distance Education and IT-Comm Pros

Distance EducationDistance education or distance learning is a positive manner of tackling global education shortcomings. If we think about the world population we can imagine that not everyone has easy access to the resources we’re so accustomed to. Considering time constraints, distance education reveals itself a great alternative because the time spent to get to a classroom can be a negative factor. Think about people that live outside of big cities. They can't even apply for a course they want because there is no such a course where they live. These barriers lessen education availability and so someone somewhere that doesn’t fit on the above time and place prerequisites has their plans thwarted and can't move forward towards the mainstay “Education”. It’s a really beautiful word. Look at it for an instant and realize what would be of you if you didn’t have the basic of it. To those people to acquire a diploma in some area of knowledge can be considered an unthinkable action.

With the advent of the Internet we have today a classroom right inside our own home. We have the information we want at the exact moment we want and in most part all the information is freely available, that is, we have the opportunity to learn about any subject without having to pay for that end avoiding expenses with specific material that in most cases will be used only once or at most twice to be frank.

Obviously there are prestigious institutions that provide distance education, which confer the most prestigious titles to those that finish a course without at least being present in a classroom. All that with the help of new technological advances that pervade our lives, which in turn make distance education something viable.

Particularly I don’t like the idea of distance education. I prefer to be present at the classroom. It would feel weird taking an educational leadership course in a virtual classroom. I believe that presence education is more enriching. I write this based upon all point of views, being the most important: more active social life interaction.

The virtual classroom world is interesting, yet it’s necessary to heed, for this can bring some undesirable consequences such as the lack of a direct liaison between the teacher/professor and their students and colleagues. Great part of our development is done through social interaction and this is almost foregone when we talk about distance education. There are plenty of other factors that influence my opinion, but for now this demonstrates one of the big bottlenecks that refrains the distance education of evolving in faster paces. There are still conservatives. It can be the case that in a near future such conservatives perish the thought.

The actual distance education environments, such as TelEduc in Brazil enable the distance education practice to reach more and more people. My alma mater UBM constituted a center for distance education called NEAD and uses TelEduc as its environment. I have used it and what I write here has as background my experience as a user of the system.

Tertiary institutions as the case of UBM offer a vast range of improvement courses for their employees and even support courses for students that are undergoing their internship programs and college conclusion projects. The idea appears to be good, but in practice it’s not adopted by everyone, perhaps because of the lack of information regarding the distance education platform’s features and capabilities.

It’s good to highlight that the devices and techniques used to implement distance education are in great part the result of advances pertaining to information and communication technologies. These technologies aggregate people from the more diverse knowledge fields. Information and communication technologies include the set of technological and computational resources set aside to generate and propitiate the use of information. Thus, such technologies are established on the following components: hardware and their peripheral devices, software and their resources, telecommunication systems and data and information management.

The people responsible for the development and management of these components are increasingly requested on the market. Between them are computer engineers, computer scientists, system analysts, business analysts, chief information officers (CIO), chief executive officers (CEO), chief financial officers (CFO) just to name a few.

The instructional level has been growing a lot during the last years, what rises the competitiveness on the job market. A proven fact is that executives have been using distance education to leverage their academic degree, attending courses, such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at international universities as MIT, University of Cambridge, University of California, Berkeley, etc. Notwithstanding the executives are on their houses in the comfort of their couches or beds.

I complete this brief analysis of the influence of distance education stating that the use of new technologies like the Internet and well developed distance education environments are making life a lot easier if we take into account the commodity and easy access to information of any given area.

It’s worth to remember about the inherited risks that most of the times pass by unnoticed. The utilization of technology in excess can enslave men, transforming them in slaves of their own inventions. Wherefore we must discuss such subject, aiming at the discovery of a steady point between the virtual and real life, providing a better way for a rich development environment where all people can evolve in a natural manner. I wrote and meant everybody, what presupposes the integration of the underprivileged people into this whole new world of information called Internet. Long live the blogs of life.

Adding a custom Google Map on a web page

Google mapOn last January I started playing around with the Google Maps API that is especially intended to instigate the coding skills of the developers around the world. At that time I created a simple page to host a map that showed the directions from a start city to a destination city. Then I did other test in which I used Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express to retrieve and parse the XML data generated by a Google Map search query. I was curious about how I could send a search to Google Map webservice and as a result get back the structured data to be consumed by some application. I just wanted to explore and see how it worked. At that time I set plans to blog about the Google Map functionally and so today I'm doing just that.

As the title states, I'm going to list here the steps necessary to add a Google Map on a web page and I will comment about the drawbacks I had to overcome to get it functioning the way I wanted.

The map I'll show has different markers. When one of these markers is clicked an info windows is opened to display some useful information. For a real example look at the map I place here on this blog. It's on the sidebar. As you can see the map starts in a hybrid fashion, that is, it shows normal and satellite views. The zoom level is adjusted based on the bounds of the existing markers. I'll detail what is necessary to do to get a map just like the one you see on this blog so that you can make your own.

The programming language used to construct the map is basically JavaScript. It's a good idea to check the Google Maps API documentation in order to get acquainted with the object types used when coding the map. For more information regarding a specific map object, refer to the documentation.

The steps I followed to get a functional map were:

  1. Obtain a Google Maps API key at the Sign Up for the Google Maps API form
    The Google Maps API lets you embed Google Maps in your own web pages. A single Maps API key is valid for a single "directory" or domain. At the end of the sign up form just enter your domain name and you'll be given a key. Without this key your maps won't function.
  2. Implement the map code

The following is the code I used to build the map:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">  <html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
      <title>Leniel Macaferi's blog - Places I cite on this blog - Google Maps JavaScript API Example: Asynchronous Data Retrieval</title>
      <script src=";v=2&amp;key=YourKey" type="text/javascript"></script>

      <script type="text/javascript">
      function initialize()
          <!-- Create a base icon for all of our markers that specifies the shadow, icon dimensions, etc. -->
          var baseIcon = new GIcon();
          baseIcon.shadow = "";
          baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
          baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
          baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
          baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
          baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);

          <!-- Creates a marker whose info window displays the letter corresponding to the given index. -->
          function createMarker(point, index, tooltip, html)
            <!-- Create a lettered icon for this point using our icon class -->
            var letter = String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + index);
            var letteredIcon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
            letteredIcon.image = "" + letter + ".png";

            <!-- Set up our GMarkerOptions object -->
            markerOptions = { icon:letteredIcon, title:tooltip};

            var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);

            GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function()

            return marker;

          <!-- Creating the map and setting its essential properties -->
          var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
          map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0,0),0);
          map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
          map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());

          var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();

          <!-- Download the data in data.xml and load it on the map. The format we expect is:
                 <marker lat="37.441" lng="-122.141" tooltip="Tooltip" html="HTML Code" />
                 <marker lat="37.322" lng="-121.213" tooltip="Tooltip" html="HTML Code" />
               </markers> -->
         GDownloadUrl("googlemap.xml", function(data)
           var xml = GXml.parse(data);

           var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker");

           for(var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++)
             var latlng = new GLatLng(parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng")));

             var tooltip = markers[i].getAttribute("tooltip");

             var html = markers[i].getAttribute("html");

             map.addOverlay(createMarker(latlng, i, tooltip, html));





  <body onload="initialize()" onunload="GUnload()" style="width:265px; height:300px; margin:0px; padding:0px;">
<div id="map_canvas" style="float:left; width:265px; height:300px; margin:0px; padding:0px;"></div>
Let's see the first java script tag right beneath the title tag
<script src=";v=2&amp;key=YourKey" type="text/javascript"></script>
Note the YourKey value. Substitute this value with you own Google Maps API key. The JavaScript function initialize() is called when the page hosting the map is loaded. Look at the body tag:
<body onload="initialize()" ...
The initialize function firstly checks if the client browser is compatible with Google Maps with the GBrowserIsCompatible function:
If this is the case, it's possible to go ahead and start the map construction. I won't comment the code I reuse. I'll just pass by it and brief explain what it does. Expect me explaining the other parts for sure. See the following lines:
<!-- Create a base icon for all of our markers that specifies the shadow, icon dimensions, etc. -->
var baseIcon = new GIcon();
baseIcon.shadow = "";
baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
The above lines of code are defining a standard icon that'll be used to construct the markers on map.

The function createMarker does a really beautiful work. See it bellow:

<!-- Creates a marker whose info window displays the letter corresponding
to the given index. -->
function createMarker(point, index, tooltip, html)
  <!-- Create a lettered icon for this point using our icon class -->
  var letter = String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + index);
var letteredIcon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
letteredIcon.image = "" + letter + ".png";

  <!-- Set up our GMarkerOptions object -->
  markerOptions = { icon:letteredIcon, title:tooltip};

  var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);

  GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function()

  return marker;
What does it do? I receives a point, more specifically a GPoint, and index, a tooltip, and a html code. It then creates a GIcon using Google's letter images for each marker, based on its index. The markerOptions variable has a type of GMarkerOptions and stores the attributes that has do with the icon properties as for example the title that receives the tooltip parameter value. For each maker it's set up an event handler for the click event. When the marker is clicked its openInfoWindowHtml method is called with the html content passed as a parameter. The createMarker function then returns the new created marker that will be added to the map overlay.

What follows is the instantiation of the map:

var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
A new object of type GMap2 is created. This object is instantiated in order to create a map. This is the central class in the API. Everything else is auxiliary. The object constructor accepts as argument an HTML container, which is typically a DIV element. In this case the id of the DIV element I use is map_canvas. If you look at the div tag that is inside the body tag you'll see the map_canvas id applied to the div.
<div id="map_canvas" ...
Next we center the map with zero values. I'll explain later why I do so. Then the map type is set:
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0,0),0);
The function setMapType can accept the following list of values:
  • G_NORMAL_MAP- the default view
  • G_SATELLITE_MAP - showing Google Earth satellite images
  • G_HYBRID_MAP - showing a mixture of normal and satellite views
  • G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES - an array of these three types, useful for iterative processing
The next line of code uses a GSmallMapControl object to add to the map a control with buttons to pan in four directions, and zoom in and zoom out, and a zoom slider:
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
The last line of code to mount the basic map framework uses a GMapTypeControl object to add a standard map type control for selecting and switching between supported map types via buttons:
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
This line of code has to do with the zoom that will be applied to the map. A variable called bound is declared and its type is GLatLngBounds. It will be used afterwards to set the zoom level of the map. This variable represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates, including one that crosses the 180 degrees meridian:
var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();
After constructing the framework it's time to populate the map with the desired data. That's the exciting part. Let's get to it.

As the green commentary lines state there's a predefined data format to structure the bits relative to the markers (GMarker class) that will be shown on the map. In this post I'm using a XML file called googlemap.xml to store the markers' data. The data is composed of lat (latitude), lng (longitute), tooltip (title of the marker) and html (any text). What is really cool is that you can format the text inside the html value using HTML and CSS. The text will be displayed inside the marker's info window. Altough I don't use formating in my XML file you're being infored that this is possible. Bellow is the content of the file:

<!-- Don't use copy and paste on this XML file, use "View Source" or "Save As"
What the browser displays is *interpreted* XML, not XML source. -->
  <marker lat="-22.522778" lng="-44.103889" tooltip="Hello World!" html='Hello World!"/>
  <marker lat="-23.209862" lng="-45.876168" tooltip="Jesus Message" html="I'm the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6" />
To consume this data we must make a call to the GDownloadUrl function. This function provides a convenient way to asynchronously retrieve a resource identified by a URL. Notice that, since the XmlHttpRequest object is used to execute the request, it is subject to the same-origin restriction of cross-site scripting, i.e. the URL must refer to the same server as the URL of the current document that executes this code. This is known as the Same Origin Policy. Therefore, it is usually redundant to use an absolute URL for the url argument, and it is better to use an absolute or relative path only.

This explanation is really important. While implementing the map you see on the sidebar of this blog I tried to store the googlemap.xml file on a domain different from the one of this blog, that is, I placed the XML data file on and was trying to consume its content at It's not possible because of cross-domain scripting limitations. It's a security issue! So what I did? I thought about other way of implementing it. I created the map host page at and used an IFrame to show the page on the sidebar of this blog. Simple, isn't it? Doing so, there's no security issue since I'm running the above JavaScript and consuming the XML data on the same domain An inconvenience if I can call it this way is that I had to get another Google Maps API key to use on the other domain. It's not a inconvenience at all! :)

That said, let's move on.

The GDownloadUrl function has the following signature:

GDownloadUrl(url, onload, postBody?, postContentType?)
As you can see I'm using just two of the parameters above when I call the function in the code:
GDownloadUrl("googlemap.xml", function(data)
It then retrieves the resource from the given URL and calls the onload function, in this case function with the text of the document as first argument.

Now what must be done is the parsing operation. We need to read each line of the markers' XML file and extract its individual components such as lat, lng, html and tooltip. To that end we declare a variable named xml that will store the GXml parsed content. Note the use of the parse static method that consumes the data we got from the googlemap.xml:

var xml = GXml.parse(data);
After parsing it's now created a variable named markers that will store the individual nodes (markers) of the XML file:
var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker");
As you can see the getElementByTagName function gets the marker elements from the XML file. Each marker has this form:
<marker lat="-23.209862" lng="-45.876168" tooltip="Jesus Message" html="I'm the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6" />
In the next step an iteration takes place over the collection of markers with a for loop:
for(var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++)
The next instruction instantiates a new object of type GLatLng so that we can get the lat and lng values of each marker and store the same in the latlng variable:
var latlng = new GLatLng(parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng")));
It's time to retrieve the html code and tooltip values that will be shown on each mark. To that end are the following to lines:
var html = markers[i].getAttribute("html");

var tooltip = markers[i].getAttribute("tooltip");
A GMarker marks a position on the map. It implements the GOverlay interface and thus is added to the map using the GMap2.addOverlay() method. Each marker is created using its respective lat and lng values along with other relevant data you want as is the case of the following line of code. This is without doubt the trickiest part of the code :). I mean, after we call the createMarker function defined and explained above:
map.addOverlay(createMarker(latlng, i, tooltip, html));
For the purpose of setting a nice zoom on the map I use the bounds variable:
This variable is extended in conformity with the largest latitude and longitude. The above line is the last one pertaining to the loop and now we're almost done. We have two more lines of code to go through to finalize the map construction:
The first line sets the zoom using the bounds variable and the second one center the focus on the map using the getCenter method from the bounds variable. That's it. The map is ready!

You can see this map running at this URL:

Final notes
Pay close attention to the written code. If you change a letter in the name of a variable for example, your code won't function and you'll probably not see the map.

If loading the information from XML as is the case of this post, replace '<' and '>' characters with &lt; and &gt;. For example: &lt;img src="image.jpg" width=150 height=100&gt;

There are plenty of excellent material about the Google Maps API on the internet and the possibilities are uncountable. Just let your imagination flow and build amazing, astonishing maps that fit your will.

The code I present on this post is a mix from a variety of sources and some of them are listed bellow. I just adapted it so that I could get the result I wanted.

The following links are great sources of information. Particularly, take a look at Mike's Little Web Page. He has a bunch of great stuff about Google Maps API.

Mike Little's Web Page

Google Maps API Tutorial

Fitting the map to the data

Links and Images, etc.

Services - Google Maps API - Google Code

Google Maps JavaScript API Example: Asynchronous Data Retrieval

Google Maps JavaScript API Example: Custom Icon

Programming-Constructing a Batch file

Batch file
In MS-DOS, OS/2, and Windows, a batch file is a text file containing a series of commands intended to be executed by the command interpreter. When a batch file is run, the shell program (usually COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe) reads the file and executes its commands, normally line-by-line. Batch files are useful for running a sequence of executables automatically and are often used by system administrators to automate tedious processes.

For more details, see the Batch file document at Wikipedia.

A sample batch file
In a recent post titled Syntactic Analyzer built with Flex and YACC I used a simple batch file in the compilers construction paper. Why I did that? To avoid boiler plate work while executing the commands necessary to generate the syntactic analyzer executable.

In this post I'll present and comment in more details the content of such batch file.

The following table shows the content of the batch file. I also include the command line number and its respective comment in the table, so that it's easier to visualize what's going on.

# Code Comment
1 @Echo Off Turn off screen messages
2 ::cls A comment. Start with ::
3 :Start Declare the label Start
4 Echo. Print a blank line. See the dot after Echo.
5 Echo Batch file Menu Print the string "Batch file Menu"
6 Echo. Print a blank line
7 Echo 1 - MinGW Print the string "1 - MinGW"
8 Echo. Print a blank line
9 Echo 2 - SinAn Print the string "2 - SinAn"
10 Echo. Print a blank line
11 Echo 3 - Exit Print the string "3 - Exit"
12 Echo. Print a blank line
13 set choice= Declare the choice variable
14 set /p choice=Choice: See note 1.
15 if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% See note 2.
16 if '%choice%'=='1' goto MinGW Go to label MinGW at line 22
17 if '%choice%'=='2' goto SinAn Go to label SinAn at line 25
18 if '%choice%'=='3' goto Exit Go to label Exit at line 37
19 Echo "%choice%" is not valid. Prints error if choice isn't 1, 2 or 3
20 Echo. Print a blank line
21 goto Start Go to label Start at line #3
22 :MinGW Declare the label MinGW
23 path=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH% Rewrite path with new value. See note 3.
24 goto end Go to label end at line 39
25 :SinAn Declare the label SinAn
26 @Echo On Turn on screen messages
27 path=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH% Rewrite path with new value
28 cls Clear the screen
29 CD CompCons Navigate to CompCons directory
30 flex -i lexan.lex Execute flex command
31 yacc sinan.yacc Execute yacc command
32 gcc yyerror.c main.c -osinan -lfl Execute gcc command
33 sinan <factorial.txt Execute sinan command. See note 4.
34 cd.. Navigate one directory above
35 @Echo Off Turn off screen messages
36 goto end Go to label end at line 39
37 :Exit Declare the label Exit
38 goto end Go to label end at line 39
39 :end Declare the label end. EOF :)

There are four notes that I think are worth commenting:

  1. set /p choice=Choice:
    The /p switch tells the command interpreter that the value of the variable choice will be the input entered by the user. The interpreter will display the string "Choice:" before reading the line of input.
    This command has the following format: set /p variable=[promptString]
  2. if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
    Every time you need to get the content of a variable it's necessary to enclose it with the percent sign %. Note the use of the quotation mark in both sides too. If a command contains two percent signs, the command interpreter will treat any characters between them as an environment variable to be expanded.
    The tilde sign ~ tells the interpreter that I want to slice a string in a variable.
    This command has the following format: %NAME:~s,n where s is the start position (zero-offset) and n is the number of characters. If s is negative, then the offset starts from the right side minus 1 (i.e. -1 refers to the rightmost character). If n is negative, then length -n characters, are extracted.
    If the variable choice isn't empty, get only the first character of the user input.
  3. path=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%
    The path variable is already part of the operating system set of variables. In this case I'm just rewriting its value with the desired directory. Note that I also attribute to path the content of other defined variable called PATH.
  4. sinan < factorial.txt
    Having no to do with the batch file explanation and just for the sake of clarification: the less angle bracket symbol < means that I'm redirecting the contents of the file factorial.txt to the executable file sinan. The sinan executable will consume the data stored in the factorial.txt file to do its computations.

To execute a batch file, just open a command prompt and type its name. You can even type the name without the .bat extension.

When a batch file is executed, the command interpreter will automatically execute each line of the batch file automating the whole process, that is, you won't need to type the same series of commands each time you want to execute a single work.

In this sample batch file what I want to accomplish is to run 4 executable files - see lines 30, 31, 32 and 33. By selecting option 2 at line 17, the interpreter goes to line 25 and so I'll have all the 4 executables running with a single command since the SinAn label at line 25 comprises these commands.

You can get the sample batch file at:

English-Portuguese Freelancer Translator

I just created an account at ProZ. ProZ is the translation workplace providing translation service and translation jobs for freelance translators and translation agencies. It's is also home to the world's largest community of professional translators.

Translators and translation resources

Take a look at my Translator profile at ProZ.

If you ever need a translation work be it from English to Portuguese or from Portuguese to English, please, feel free to contact me at

I really like this kind of job, that is, to translate any type of material related to my area of expertise: software, technology and computer related stuff.

I translate ScottGu's blog from English to Portuguese - see Translating ScottGu's Blog to Portuguese post. ScottGu's blog is one of the most accessed Technology blogs in the world.

I'm looking forward to work with you.

Syntactic Analyzer built with Flex and YACC

Compilers construction paper
I and a dear brother in faith of mine called Wellington Magalhães Leite wrote a paper titled: A Syntactic Analyzer built with the CASE tools Flex and YACC

See the paper's abstract below:

The function of a syntactic analyzer in a compiler is to verify the syntactic structure of a program’s source code. It then detects, signalize and handle the syntactic errors found in the source code and at the same time servers as the framework for the front-end (user interface) of the program. So, its construction helps with the familiarization regarding the tasks included in the compiler project.

The language used in this paper does not have left recursion. The language neither presents subprograms, nor indexed variables and its only loop command is while for the sake of simplicity. The syntactic analyzer implemented uses the bottom-up parsing approach.

This paper presents the steps to the construction of a syntactic analyzer, which serves as a base element for a compiler implementation.

Keywords: syntactic analyzer, syntactical analysis, compiler construction, case tools, flex, yacc

  1.1 Objective 7
  1.2 Definition 7
      1.2.1 Grammar 7
   Grammar productions 8
   Lexical specifications 8
   Reserved words or keywords 10
   Operator types and attributes 11
   Separator types 11
  2.1 Lexical analysis 13
      2.1.1 Sample source code of a factorial program 13
      2.1.2 Flex 16
  2.2 Syntactical analysis 16
      2.2.1 Sample syntactic tree 16
      2.2.2 YACC 20
  3.1 Constructing the file for the lexical analysis (lexan.lex) 21
  3.2 Constructing the file for the syntactic analysis (sinan.yacc) 21
  3.3 Guide to implementation 24
  3.4 Using a batch file to avoid boilerplate work 28

See a screenshot of the syntactic analyzer in action:


You can get a PDF copy of the paper and the accompanying syntactical analyzer's files in a ZIP file at:

Tonal X Spatial Resolution X File Size

Computer graphics paper
I and a dear brother in faith of mine called Wellington Magalhães Leite wrote a paper titled: Influence of Tonal and Spatial Resolution on the Image File Size

See the original image we used to perform the tests regarding our paper:

The paper is accompanied by a spreadsheet and both are available in English and Portuguese.

See the paper's abstract below (English/Portuguese):


It is interesting to notice how the three variables (bits per pixel, number of colors and image file size) discussed in this paper are extremely related.

More and more we express ourselves through the use of images, which consequently need a place to be stored and this has to do with their usage in digital mediums as is the case of the Internet; take the Flickr service as an example. The storage is made in a digital form, that is, in bits.

It is known that: the better the image quality, the bigger will be the number of bits per pixel that are used to compose the image, what makes us capable of visualizing a great number of colors (tonal resolution), for the number of colors is coupled up to the quantity of bits per pixel. If we increase the number of pixels (spatial resolution) of the image, the generated file size will be bigger, in other words, more bits will be consumed to compose the image and depending on this value, the distribution or visualization of the image can be inadequate in certain conditions.

So, we can perceive the necessity of a case by case study, looking for a suitable value to the three variables, what will provide us with an ideal image file for each type of job.

Keywords: computer graphics, tonal resolution, spatial resolution, bits per pixel, number of colors, image file size

  1.1 Objective 6
  1.2 Definition 6
  1.3 Tonal resolution 7
  1.4 Spatial resolution 7
  2.1 Image edition 8
      2.1.1 Creating the work directory 8
      2.1.2 Obtaining the data “bits” for the experiment 8
      2.1.3 Selecting only the image of interest 8
      2.1.4 Opening the test file with Photoshop 9
      2.1.5 Visualizing the image size properties 10
      2.1.6 Redefining the image size 11
      2.1.7 Saving the modified image 12
      2.1.8 Producing images with different spatial resolution 13
      2.1.9 Altering the tonal resolution 13
      2.1.10 Returning to Windows Paint 14
      2.1.11 Producing images with different tonal resolutions 15
  3.1 24, 16, 8, 4 and 1 bit tonal resolutions 16
  3.2 Tonal resolution vs. Spatial resolution vs. Image size 20


É interessante notar como as três variáveis (bits por pixel, número de cores e tamanho do arquivo de imagem) discutidos neste trabalho estão intensamente relacionadas.

Cada vez mais nos expressamos através de imagens, as quais necessitam conseqüentemente de um local para serem armazenadas, haja vista a utilização em meio digital. Veja o site Flickr por exemplo. O armazenamento por sua vez é feito de forma digital, ou seja, através de bits.

É sabido que quanto maior for a qualidade da imagem, maior será o número de bits por pixel utilizados na composição da mesma, o que nos possibilita a visualização de um grande número de cores (resolução tonal), pois o número de cores está atrelado à quantidade de bits por pixel. Se aumentamos o número de pixels (resolução espacial) da imagem, maior será o tamanho do arquivo gerado, ou seja, mais bits serão consumidos para armazenar a imagem e dependendo deste valor, a distribuição ou visualização da imagem pode se tornar inadequada em certas condições.

Percebe-se então a necessidade de um estudo caso a caso, em busca de um valor adequado para essas três variáveis, de modo a obter um arquivo de imagem ideal para cada tipo de trabalho.

Palavras-chave: computação gráfica, resoulução tonal, resolução espacial, bits por pixel, número de cores, tamanho do arquivo de imagem

  1.1 Objetivo 7
  1.2 Definição 7
  1.3 Resolução tonal 8
  1.4 Resolução espacial 8
  2.1 Edição de imagens 9
      2.1.1 Criando a pasta de trabalho 9
      2.1.2 Obtendo os dados “bits” para o experimento 9
      2.1.3 Selecionando somente a imagem de interesse 9
      2.1.4 Abrindo o arquivo de teste com o Photoshop 10
      2.1.5 Visualizando as propriedades do tamanho da imagem  11
      2.1.6 Redefinindo o tamanho da imagem 12
      2.1.7 Salvando a imagem modificada 13
      2.1.8 Produzindo imagens com diferentes resoluções espaciais 15
      2.1.9 Alterando a resolução tonal 15
      2.1.10 Retornando ao Paint do Windows 15
      2.1.11 Produzindo imagens com diferentes resoluções tonais 16
  3.1 Resoluções tonais de 24, 16, 8, 4 e 1 bit 17
  3.2 Resolução tonal vs. Resolução espacial vs. Tamanho do arquivo 21

See the PivotChart created with the spreadsheet data:

Pivot Chart

You can get a PDF copy of the paper and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet at:

English version

Portuguese version

Governmental and Private Scholarships in Brazil

This post aims to discuss a recent experience I had. It's is directly related to the problem of governmental and private scholarships in Brazil.

Flag of Brazil

I recently had to stop working in a highly exciting project called GradeBR - Rede Galileu. I just couldn't afford it. I can explain it better.

I wrote a post in which I discuss about the job I had gotten at the Computational Transport Phenomena Laboratory located at the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA). I was really motivated. What I had thought for my future was happening. I had gotten a great job opportunity at one of the most prestigious academic institutions here in Brazil. I’ve been planning to go to ITA since college. I had already talked about a master’s degree project and was even flying to meet with Rede Galileu’s work group. I had the first opportunity to travel in an aircraft. Believe it or not, it’s not so usual here in Brazil. Everything was perfect. I was just missing the company of my parents of course.

I started on the job on February 11th, and for almost two months (till April 4th) I didn't receive the scholarship that had been promised. As a matter of fact, I’ve been invited by the laboratory’s lead to go to ITA as I described in this post. There is an old saying that is as follow: if Leniel will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Leniel. I think it translates well what happened to me.

The reasons for the scholarship not being granted: pure bureaucracy, corruption and disregard to the development of the Brazilian nation.

I know there are lots of sheets of paper that must be read before the final signature granting the scholarship, but in this case, it wasn't the sheets of paper. The fact is that this scholarship was not from the government but from a private company called Petrobras that is one of the major global oil & gas market players. The scholarship agreement between a private company and a federal institution is established and managed through a Research Foundation that has as its motto: foster the development of projects related to research and development (R&D).

I won’t detail what specifically happened but the reasons I wrote above serve as a start point to think about why my scholarship didn’t take place.

My case is related to a private scholarship. I know people that don’t even have the possibility of getting a scholarship granted by the government. Why that? You may ask. My answer is: actually there is almost no condition of fostering research and development in this country. Because? You may ask. My answer: things were worse, today they are getting better but we still don’t have a serious investment plan to prepare human resources and to finance research and development projects. The rules are so complex that even a PhD professor doesn’t know how to ask a scholarship for his students. There are so many embarrassments. When there’s a scholarship the value paid is incompatible with real life. They only pay you for project related material and trips. They don’t think about the expenses related to relocation, about your daily necessities. They think you’re a research and development slave. In addition, you can’t work on other projects, that is, you must be a full-time researcher receiving a part-time scholarship. Do you get it? The work you do isn’t valued as it should be.

A nation can only grow and give fruits if and only if it has a really well prepared workforce. To have such really well prepared workforce it's necessary to invest in education. Education includes all sorts of knowledge fields, not only research and development, though in this specific post I treat about it.

I particularly like the Wikipedia's definition for Education: "Education means 'to draw out', facilitating realization of self-potential and latent talents of an individual", that is, without education, great part of people can't realize their potential, their talent and consequently the nation doesn't leverage as everyone expects.

It's not surprising that this country "Brazil" has a history marked by corruption and poor education or would it be a history marked by poor education and corruption? I think the former is worst given that is poor education that leads to corruption and all sorts of maliciousness. That's why Brazil is still a underdeveloped country. People grow governed by bad politicians that even don't know how to speak their mother tongue. Again this is a case of poor education. Education was so neglected that the ones that should represent the country don't know how to speak correctly. Can you understand that? It's all a matter of education. Your brain without proper instructions (education) can't do much. It's just like a computer hardware without software. I could develop more into this subject but I won't. I think this is sufficient to pass the message.

Getting back to the main topic: I had to relocate to a different city called São José dos Campos that is 140 miles far away from my parent's home in Volta Redonda. To stay there I had (my parents had) to pay for my lodging, lunch, etc. There's no free lunch at all! Without the scholarship that was previously promised I couldn't continue on the job. So what should I do? I just had to get back home and unfortunately abandon that great project. Was that easy? Surely no.

The people governing this country think that you are a robot researcher without emotions and aspirations.

What rest to comment about it? Oh, that there isn't incentive from the government to give scholarships to the ones that really want to continue their academic studies be it through a Master's degree or even a Doctor's degree. You see, I only could finish my graduation in Computer Engineering because my parents did work hard and set aside some money for my study. That's not easy here in Brazil. The major part of families can't afford a particular college. What is the result? More people without the proper education, more people with latent talents not realizing their potential. This causes sometimes more corruption, that is, without the proper means for achieving what people really want they take another easier paths to get there.

While this story doesn't change, we'll continue to have frustrated plans. Brazil won't change its status quo up to the time that every single person has conditions to study, to acquire the so called culture what will definitely permit that their aspirations be realized.

I'd like to write better words here, but if I did I would be more one liar. For some (the richest ones) everything in Brazil is going fine. The stock market is breaking records and that's just what matter. For others (as is my case) there's no free lunch!

Translating ScottGu's Blog to Portuguese

Joe Stagner from Microsoft wrote a post in which he calls people to volunteer for translating Scott Guthrie's Blog posts originally written in English to Portuguese. I immediately contacted Joe emphasizing that I would like to help. Since then I've translated three posts and I really expect to translate many more.

You can access the new blog created especially for the Portuguese community at

Other great news for the Brazilian community is that the Developer Division, more precisely the Community Localization Team from Microsoft has released the Brazilian Localization of Visual Studio 2008 and .NET FX 3.5. More details can be found on this post at Somasegar's WebLog.

Again, I volunteered to participate in these community localization projects assisting with translating into my native language: Portuguese.

I think it's a good idea to participate in such projects. You can learn a lot more. As Joe stated in the title of his post "Do you translate ScottGu's blog in your head?"; my answer is YES, I do. I always do that. Besides, it's worth it to help others that still don't know the English language.

Java Video Rental Store App - Part 1

One of the last computer engineering course works I had to do was to code a simple Java application. This application should use a database to store and retrieve its data. The discipline was Advanced Computing Topics. The teacher Luís Henrique Campos Braune sent the class an e-mail explaining what he wanted us to do. The following lines are a transcript of what he wanted us to do initially.

The basic idea was that we would study a sample java application1, a very simple one, and starting with it we would program another one. The work would be done in teams and the teacher orientation was that we should only use the allotted class time because we were also preparing our computer engineering final project and he didn't want us to spend time at home with course work related to his discipline. He thought that the time allotted to the classes would be sufficient for this task.

1 The sample Java application can be downloaded at the end of this post. The initial code and instructions were written in Portuguese. I translated all the code and instructions to the English language, so that it can reach a broader audience.

The Java Sample Application
The Java sample application is a functional and really rudimentary one and uses the Swing User Interface Toolkit.

We didn't use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to work with it. All the preliminary changes to the code was done using a simple text editor as the Windows Notepad. The purpose of this application was to introduce the students to the object oriented programming world based on windows and user events. We should compile and run it according to the following steps:

1st step - Download and decompress the .zip file provided by the teacher.

The sample application should be uncompressed in the root dir C:\ on the classroom computer to facilitate the work.

The following table shows the content of the .zip file:

.ZIP file content
File Description Class pertaining to the main menu Class pertaining to Retrieve/Change/Save/Delete client Class pertaining to Retrieve/Change/Save/Delete video Class pertaining to video rental Class pertaining to video devolution Class pertaining to the database connection and functions
VideoRentalStore.mdb Microsoft Access database file
README.txt A read me file with instructions

2nd step - Compile the sample app To do this we should open a command prompt, navigate to the sample app directory and type: javac

In case the above command didn't work for you, refer to the The Java Platform section bellow.

3rd step - Run the sample app After compiling the the Sample app it's necessary to run the same. To do this, again in the command prompt, type: java MainMenu

In both cases it's important to type observing UPPER and lower case letters. It's case sensitive.

The Java Platform
Evidently, to do the the last two steps we should have the Java Platform installed. The Java platform consists of several programs, each of which provides a distinct portion of its overall capabilities. The principal portions are: the Java compiler, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and the just-in-time (JIT) compiler.

If the 2nd step above didn't work, we have two possibilities:

- The JDK is installed but not configured

A simple tip to see if the JDK is already installed is to look for some version of the JDK in "C:\Program files\Java"; if there is a version but on trying to compile you get an error, then you need to configure it first. That's what we'll do in the Installing the Java Development Kit section bellow.

- The JDK isn't installed

There are different "editions" of the Java Platform, including:

  • Java ME (Micro Edition): Specifies several different sets of libraries (known as profiles) for devices which are sufficiently limited that supplying the full set of Java libraries would take up unacceptably large amounts of storage.
  • Java SE (Standard Edition): For general purpose use on desktop PCs, servers and similar devices.
  • Java EE (Enterprise Edition): Java SE plus various APIs useful for multi-tier client-server enterprise applications.

The one that would fit our necessity was the J2SE edition without the NetBeans IDE, that is usually offered with the Java Platform when you download it.

To download the J2SE go at (select JDK 6 Update 5).

There are several flavors, each one suitable for a specific type of operating system. For this post I used the Windows offline installation file called jdk-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe (65.5 MB).

Installing the Java Development Kit
The following are the steps we used to install the JDK. It's really easy! You practically have to click on next, next and next.

Just pay attention to the fact that, after the installation of the JDK, the JRE will also be installed in case you don't have it.

The trick is to configure the Java Platform after the JDK has been installed. To do that, check where the installation was done. Usually it is in C:\Proram files\Java\jdk...

Now, right click on My computer, Properties, Advanced tab, Environment variables. Click on New variable. Can be in User variables or System variables. Create the two variables according to the following table:

Environment variables
Variable Name Value
1 CLASSPATH ;.;C:\Program files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02
2 PATH ;C:\Program files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\bin

Notes: - A dot (.) is part of the CLASSPATH variable value. - The path here presented are for mere illustration. What really matter is the current path you have on your computer. - Each value has a semicolon in its beginning. - I used the value jdk1.6.0_02 because this is the JDK version I have on my machine. This explains why I used ... to point the JDK installation path. If you have a different version, make the appropriate change.

Save everything clicking OK.

To test if the Java Platform was installed/configured correctly, try to compile and run the sample application executing the 1st and 2nd steps of The Java Sample Application section above.

Configuring the database connection
It wasn't enough for our Java sample application. We then should configure the database, more precisely, the alias used to reference the Microsoft Access VideoRentalStore.mdb database file.

What we needed to do was to create an ODBC connection so that the database file would be referenced through the alias used within the source code file. To do this we should do the following:

Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, ODBC Data Sources, click on the Add connection and choose Microsoft Access driver; in data source name value we should type the alias "VideoRentalStore" used in the source code file and in Database we should select/point to the VideoRentalStore.mdb database file that is inside the uncompressed directory.

Doing so we should be able to Retrieve/Change/Save/Delete data using the sample application.

Any doubts should be reported to the teacher. That's what he's there for, right?!

OK that was the first class we had and so is the first post in this series.

Next post in this series
Come back to see a next post in which I'll start to drill down what I particularly did, that is, what path I followed to take advantage of and master my skills while developing the other version of such application.

Get the Java Video Rental Store sample application at: