Showing posts with label C#. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C#. Show all posts

Mixing C# source code with PowerShell script code to speed your development

I had some C# code ready but needed to use it inside a PowerShell script.

At StackOverflow I found some code that put me in the right path. So here's a practical example when mixing codes inside a PowerShell script file:

. ".\Invoke-Parallel.ps1" # Importing another script into this PowerShell script file

$csharpSource = @"

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class DateExtensions
     public static List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> GetWeeksBetweenDates(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
        var weeks = new List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>>();
         for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(8))
            var weekEnd = date.AddDays(7);
            weeks.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>(date, weekEnd <= endDate ? weekEnd : endDate));

        return weeks;

Add-Type -TypeDefinition $csharpSource # Includes the C# code defined above to be called through the PowerShell script

$appPath = "C:\SomeFolder"
$startDate = [datetime]'6/1/2017'
$endDate = [datetime]'5/5/2018'

$weeks = [DateExtensions]::GetWeeksBetweenDates($startDate, $endDate)

#Calls MyApp in batches, that is, for each week...
$weeks | Invoke-Parallel -ImportVariables -ScriptBlock {   
    Set-Location -Path $appPath
    $date = [string]::Format("{0:yyyyMMdd},{1:yyyyMMdd}", $_.Item1, $_.Item2)

    #Write-Host $date

    dotnet MyApp.dll budat=$date cpudt=$date # Calls .NET Core "executable" DLL for each week

pause #Keeps PowerShell window open to see the results

As we see in the code above, the variable $csharpSource holds the C# source code that later will called in the PowerShell script.

We then add\mix the C# code to\with PowerShell with the command Add-Type passing to it the $csharpSource variable that holds the source code. Simple as that.

Inside PowerShell script code we call the method defined in C# code with:

$weeks = [DateExtensions]::GetWeeksBetweenDates($startDate, $endDate)

This is pretty useful because we don't need to convert our C# code to PowerShell idiom.

Hope it helps.

How to convert C# code to a PowerShell Script?

Just got the C# gold badge at StackOverflow

This is a “marketing” post… Open-mouthed smile Just kidding.

This is just to inform that I got the C# #Csharp gold badge at #StackOverflow @StackExchange after 5 years and 6 months and 342 answers posted on the C# tag! What a milestone towards a so awesome programming language.

C# gold badge earned at StackOverflow

Once when I was starting back in 2003 a somewhat experienced coworker told me: this thing [ coding ] is not for you.

I proved him wrong!

The lesson to be learnt here is: never trust others when they say you are not capable even more when you are just starting something. Instead use that as a trampoline. Not easy but you must not give up. Keep pushing always.

People that motivate us are a rare kind. So use this post as a motivation and BEFORE that remember: put God first in everything you start in your life. I remember at that time in my life I talked to God and told him that I really liked this profession|area and asked for his help so that he could guide me and provide me wisdom. Here I’m today being able to write this post. How grateful I’m.

To top that, last week a cousin (13 years old) approached me and told me he’d like to follow the same path I followed and asked what I did to get where I’m today. I answered: you have to have a passion for what you do, strive for excellence and be prepared to spend some good amount of time trying and trying... as I wrote above: don’t give up. There’ll be for sure many rocks on the road… The Long and Winding Road as sung by The Beatles is a truth but if you persist in what you really believe then success is a matter of time.

Somehow sometime somewhere God will move things in your favor.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

A snapshot of my StackOverflow profile on the day I got the C# gold badge

string.Format with dynamic length left aligned text in C#

This post is about dynamic text alignment with C#.

Scenario: I wanted to implement a dropdownlist with list items left aligned based on a string format. This is the initial appearance of the dropdown with no text alignment applied:

DropDownList with Text not alignedFigure 1 - DropDownList with Text not aligned

See that because Hospital names that come before => have different lengths, it doesn’t look good. Start and End dates are not aligned due to this.

So I thought about adding some caring to this and remembered that C# supports what I want to do. It’s called Composite Formatting. This when used with the Alignment Component allows some nice implementations.

The optional alignment component is a signed integer indicating the preferred formatted field width. If the value of alignment is less than the length of the formatted string, alignment is ignored and the length of the formatted string is used as the field width. The formatted data in the field is right-aligned if alignment is positive and left-aligned if alignment is negative. If padding is necessary, white space is used. The comma is required if alignment is specified.

Look at the following action method that lies within an ASP.NET MVC app. It’s responsible for adding list items to the dropdown show above…

public virtual ActionResult Index()
    ReportViewModel model = new ReportViewModel();

    // Getting the length of the lengthiest FictitiousName using Max query operator
    var maxLength = Database.Assessments.Max(a => a.Hospital.FictitiousName.Length);

    // Here’s the dynamic part: maxLength is used inside a format string to right align all strings, hence the minus sign. Doing this all strings will be equally left aligned (by maxLength) no matter their size.
    // {0}, {1} and {2} are positional parameters.
    string format = "{0, -" + maxLength + "} => {1} - {2}";

    List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>();

    foreach(Assessment a in Database.Assessments)
        SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();

        // Here's where the format string is used...
        item.Text = string.Format(format,
            a.Hospital.FictitiousName, a.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), a.EndDate.ToShortDateString());

        // This is necessary so that white spaces are respected when rendering the HTML code.
        item.Text = item.Text.Replace(" ", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("&nbsp;"));

        item.Value = a.AssessmentId.ToString();


    model.Assessments = new SelectList(items.OrderBy(i => i.Text), "Value", "Text");

    return View(model);

With this code, now the result (really better to spot the dates) is this:

DropDownList with Text aligned using a format string dynamically builtFigure 2 - DropDownList with Text aligned using a format string dynamically built

maxLength in this case = 20. This is the length of “Unimed Volta Redonda” (the lengthiest string in the list) in this specific case. The format string uses this value to left align this and all other strings with smaller lengths “equally” adding white spaces to compensate the smaller strings.

One really import thing to take into consideration when doing what this post proposes is to use a monospaced font or fixed-width font, because its letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space. If you don’t use this kind of font, you won’t get the desired result.

This is the Razor view code:

<div id="reports">

@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Assessments)&nbsp; @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.AssessmentId, Model.Assessments, string.Format(Localization.SelectValue2, Localization.Assessment), new { data_bind="value: selectedAssessment" } )


So in order to make it work I added this CSS code:

#reports select
    font-family: 'Courier New'; /* well known monospaced font */
    width: auto;

Happy C# dynamic text aligning to everyone!

ResourceManager with External Localization Assembly

As a software developer I like to work with everything that is related to software Localization known as L10n. Besides being a developer working defining the architecture that will be adopted in a given project and doing the hard “FUN” work writing the code, I’m also a translator if you don’t know it yet.

One thing I've been trying to do recently is to be able to use localized strings that are present in an external assembly [ DLL ] using the ResourceManager object.
I have localized strings in resource [ .resx ] files that are specific for each locale I support. I place these .resx files in a separate class library project to maintain things organized.

So, suppose the namespace of this class library is MyProject.L10n and the .resx file name is Localization.resx. This gives me access to a class named Localization within the code. I also have I support English and Portuguese locales in my project for now. This naming pattern allows me to have in the future a file called for Castilian Spanish (as written and spoken in Spain) and another one called for Argentine Spanish. During runtime the .NET framework will select the correct .resx file to extract the localized string from based on the current culture the user has set while browsing my website.

After adding a reference to this class library, I'm able to use this code in my ASP.NET MVC project in a Razor view:


This works as expected, but it's not what I need, though. As you see the localized string key [ LocalizedString ] is hard coded. I want to be able to use the method GetString from the ResourceManager object so that I can write code like this:


The problem and the catchy here is that in order to use the resource manager the way I want, I have to point it to the external assembly this way:

columnName: "Type",
header: Localization.Type,format: (item) => new ResourceManager("MyProject.L10n.Localization", typeof(Localization).Assembly).GetString(item.Type.ToString()))

This part does the tricky: typeof(Localization).Assembly

In the code block above I’m using WebGrid that is a new helper that comes with ASP.NET MVC 3. It simplifies the task of rendering tabular data. When I do item.Type.ToString() I’m actually getting different values for each row of my grid and I pass this dynamic value to ResourceManager that in return gives me the translated/localized version of a give string key.

Going even further I’ve implemented a Razor’s Helper method in a file called Helpers.cshtml and placed such file inside the App_Code folder. This is the helper’s code:

@using System.Resources
@using MyProject.L10n

@helper GetLocalizedString(string stringValue)
    ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("MyProject.L10n.Localization", typeof (Localization).Assembly);


Now it’s just a matter of calling the helper this way in whatever place/view I need it:

columnName: "Type",
header: Localization.Type,
format: (item) => @Helpers.GetLocalizedString(item.Type.ToString()))

The above code is way more clear than the one I showed your before…

Hope this post helps shed some light in this subject since the only thing that should be done is to get a reference to the assembly that holds the Localization class and pass it to the ResourceManger’s constructor.

Blogger Posts Searcher using Google Data .NET/Java Client APIs

It just happened today that I wanted to know if I had already published a post with a given title in one of the blogs I publish: During translation (I translate the posts from English to Portuguese) I had a feeling that I had  already worked on a similar text… well, it turns out I was mistaken!

Instead of going through the extensive list of posts looking one by one I thought why not leverage the power of Google Data API? You may say: why not do a simple Google search instead? Good point. As I like to play with code I couldn’t resist.

So here it is. A simple and faster way of knowing if I have a post with a given title. Bellow you’ll find the codez to both the .NET client API and the Java one.

Blogger Data API for .NET
1 - Download the client library here:

2 - Install the .msi package Google_Data_API_Setup_1.9.0.0.msi.

3 - Create a new Console project and reference the DLL Google.GData.Client that’s in this folder: C:\Google Data API SDK\Redist

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Google.GData.Client;

namespace BlogPostsSearcher
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Service bloggeService = AcquireService();

            AtomFeed feed = AcquireAndSetupFeed(bloggeService);

            // Search posts that contain the word "StringToSearchFor" in their titles
            var query = feed.Entries.Where(p => p.Title.Text.Contains("StringToSearchFor");

            // Writes the Blog's Title

            // Prints each post found...
            foreach (AtomEntry entry in query)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Post Title: {0} - Date Published: {1}", entry.Title.Text, entry.Published.ToShortDateString()));


        private static AtomFeed AcquireAndSetupFeed(Service service)
            FeedQuery blogFeedUri = new FeedQuery("" + YourBlogID + "/posts/default");

            // Setting the number of posts to retrieve
            blogFeedUri.NumberToRetrieve = 1000;

            AtomFeed feed = service.Query(blogFeedUri);
            return feed;

        private static Service AcquireService()
            Service service = new Service("blogger", "YourCompanyName-BloggerPostsSearcher");

            service.Credentials = new GDataCredentials("", "YourPassword");

            GDataGAuthRequestFactory factory = (GDataGAuthRequestFactory)service.RequestFactory;
            return service;

Blogger Data API for Java
1 - Download the client library here:

2 - Unzip the file

3 - Create a new Java Project and add references to:
- gdata-client-1.0.jar that’s in this path: gdata/java/lib/
- google-collect-1.0-rc1
that’s in this path: gdata/java/deps/

import java.util.List;


 * @author Leniel Macaferi
 * @date 11-21-2011
public class BloggerClient
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ServiceException { try { GoogleService bloggerService = new GoogleService("blogger", "YourCompanyName-BloggerPostsSearcher"); bloggerService.setUserCredentials("", "YourPassword"); searchPosts(bloggerService, "YourBlogID", "StringToSearchFor"); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void searchPosts(GoogleService myService, String blogId, String search) throws ServiceException, IOException { // Request the feed URL feedUrl = new URL("" + blogId + "/posts/default"); Feed resultFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, Feed.class); // Setting the number of posts to retrieve... resultFeed.setTotalResults(1000); List<Entry> posts = resultFeed.getEntries(); // Print the results System.out.println(resultFeed.getTitle().getPlainText()); for (Entry post : posts) { if(post.getTitle().getPlainText().contains(search)) { System.out.println("\t" + post.getTitle().getPlainText()); } } System.out.println(); } }

In the code above you need to replace accordingly the following parts:

- YourEmailAddress
- YourPassword
- YourBlogID

Blogger Client Libraries and Sample Code

Blogger Developer's Guide: .NET

Blogger Developer's Guide: Java

Tree Graph Ordered Traversal Level by Level in C#

Recently as part of a job interview process, I was asked to solve some programming problems. This post shows the solution for one of such problems.

The problem ( or could we call it an algorithm exercise? ) is this:

Consider a tree of integers. Knowing that its root node is 0, and given its adjacency list as a two dimensional array of integers, write a function that prints out the elements/nodes in order/level by level starting from the root. That is, the root is printed in the first line, elements that can be reached from the root by a path of distance 1 in the second line, elements reached by a path of distance 2 in the third line, and so forth. For example, given the following adjacency list (draw the tree for a better view):

0 => 1, 2, 3
1 => 0, 4
2 => 0
3 => 0, 5
4 => 1, 6
5 => 3
6 => 4

The program should print:

1 2 3
4 5

Little bit of theory
If you read about Tree in Graph theory, you’ll see that we can represent a tree using a graph because a tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one simple path. In other words, any connected graph without cycles is a tree.

The tree in this problem isn’t a binary tree, it’s a n-ary tree.

With theory in mind, here goes my proposed solution…

I’m reusing some code from past posts. In special, the Graph, AdjacencyList, Node, NodeList and EdgeToNeighbor classes.

I use this method to fill a Graph with the Tree structure:

/// <summary>
/// Fills a graph with a given tree structure.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="graph"></param>
private static void FillGraphWithTreeStructure(Graph graph)
    // Vertexes
    graph.AddNode("0", null);
    graph.AddNode("1", null);
    graph.AddNode("2", null);
    graph.AddNode("3", null);
    graph.AddNode("4", null);
    graph.AddNode("5", null);
    graph.AddNode("6", null);

    // Edges
    graph.AddDirectedEdge("0", "1");
    graph.AddDirectedEdge("0", "2");
    graph.AddDirectedEdge("0", "3");

    graph.AddDirectedEdge("1", "4");

    graph.AddDirectedEdge("4", "6");

    graph.AddDirectedEdge("3", "5");

    /* This is the tree:
          / | \
         1  2  3
        /       \
       4         5
        This is the expected output:
        Level 1 = 0
        Level 2 = 1 2 3
        Level 3 = 4 5
        Level 4 = 6


This is the method that does the hard work:

/// <summary>
/// Performs an ordered level-by-level traversal in a n-ary tree from top-to-bottom and left-to-right.
/// Each tree level is written in a new line.
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="root">Tree's root node</param>
public static void LevelByLevelTraversal(Node root)
    // At any given time each queue will only have nodes that
    // belong to a level
    Queue<Node> queue1 = new Queue<Node>();
    Queue<Node> queue2 = new Queue<Node>();


    while (queue1.Count != 0 || queue2.Count != 0)
        while (queue1.Count != 0)
            Node u = queue1.Dequeue();


            // Expanding u's neighbors in the queue
            foreach (EdgeToNeighbor edge in u.Neighbors)


        while (queue2.Count != 0)
            Node v = queue2.Dequeue();


            // Expanding v's neighbors in the queue
            foreach (EdgeToNeighbor edge in v.Neighbors)


To spice things up I have implemented a Parallel version of the above method using a ConcurrentQueue:

/// <summary>
/// Performs an ordered level-by-level traversal in a n-ary tree from top-to-bottom and left-to-right in Parallel using a ConcurrentQueue.
/// Each tree level is written in a new line.
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="root">Tree's root node</param>
public static void LevelByLevelTraversalInParallel(Node root)
    // At any given time each queue will only have nodes that
    // belong to a level
    ConcurrentQueue<Node> queue1 = new ConcurrentQueue<Node>();
    ConcurrentQueue<Node> queue2 = new ConcurrentQueue<Node>();


    while (queue1.Count != 0 || queue2.Count != 0)
        while (queue1.Count != 0)
            Node u;
            queue1.TryDequeue(out u);


            // Expanding u's neighbors in the queue
            foreach (EdgeToNeighbor edge in u.Neighbors)


        while (queue2.Count != 0)
            Node v;
            queue2.TryDequeue(out v);


            // Expanding v's neighbors in the queue
            foreach (EdgeToNeighbor edge in v.Neighbors)


Now it’s time to measure the execution time using a StopWatch:

private static void Main(string[] args)
    Graph graph = new Graph();


    Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();




    // Write time elapsed
    Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed);

    //Resetting the watch...




    // Write time elapsed
    Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed);


Now the results:

1 2 3
4 5
Time elapsed: 00:00:00.0040340

1 2 3
4 5
Time elapsed: 00:00:00.0020186

As you see, time is cut by a factor of 2. I currently have a Core 2 Duo processor in my Mac mini.

Hope you enjoy it and feel free to add your 2 cents to improve this code! Of course there are other ways of solving this very problem and I would like to see those other ways. Do you have any other better idea?

You can get the Microsoft Visual Studio Console Application Project at:

To try out the code you can use the free Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express Edition that you can get at:

Sistema para Gerenciamento de Academia de GinĂĄstica

Esta Ă© uma aplicação web que nasceu atravĂ©s de uma parceria entre mim (o Ășnico desenvolvedor) e o proprietĂĄrio de uma academia de ginĂĄstica ( a qual eu frequento ). O sistema estĂĄ em uso e o proprietĂĄrio/usuĂĄrio estĂĄ muito satisfeito.

A aplicação valoriza a simplicidade e é super fåcil de usar.

A figura a seguir mostra a home page de onde o usuårio pode acessar as funcionalidades da aplicação. Clique nela para ver uma versão ampliada...

Pågina inicial da aplicação Fitness Center

A aplicação é composta por 5 módulos e possui Controle de Acesso baseado em cargos (Administrador, Professor, Usuårio, etc).

- Alunos
- Anamneses
- Medidas
- Pagamentos
- RelatĂłrios ( baseados em grĂĄficos e listas )

O sistema estĂĄ disponĂ­vel em PortuguĂȘs do Brasil (pt-BR) e InglĂȘs (en-US). Ele tem tudo pronto para o caso em que exista a necessidades de localizaçÔes adicionais. É completamente viĂĄvel ter a aplicação em execução em qualquer outra cultura/idioma com pouco trabalho.

Estilos/cores/formatação e logotipo podem ser personalizados usando (CSS).

A aplicação usa o estado da arte das tecnologias da pilha Microsoft, bem como bibliotecas de código aberto:

C#, .NET Framework 4, ASP.NET MVC 3, SQL Server Compact 4.1, CSS, jQuery 1.5.2, jQuery UI 1.8.12, jQuery Globalization 1.0, jQuery qTip2, modernizr 1.7, Microsoft MVC Ajax, Microsoft Chart Controls for. NET 4, WebGrid, Chirpy

VocĂȘ pode ver screenshots da aplicação aqui.

As seçÔes subsequentes descrevem cada módulo e as açÔes que o usuårio tem permissão para executar.

A lógica de negócios também é descrita ao longo do caminho se eu ver que ela se encaixa na descrição do módulo.

Não é minha intenção descrever cada regra de negócio da aplicação neste post. Este post é uma visão geral.

AçÔes: Criar, Editar, Detalhes, Excluir
Este mĂłdulo trata de dados bĂĄsicos do aluno como foto, nome e sobrenome, data de nascimento, endereço, sexo, telefone, e-mail, etc. 
Tudo no sistema estĂĄ relacionado ao aluno. Isto significa que se um aluno Ă© excluĂ­do, os dados de cada mĂłdulo que fazem referĂȘncia aquele aluno tambĂ©m serĂŁo excluĂ­dos.
Alunos que estão em débito são destacados em vermelho na lista/grid de alunos.
Se o nome de um aluno Ă© clicado na lista de alunos, o sistema leva o usuĂĄrio Ă  lista de pagamentos do respectivo aluno.

AçÔes: Criar, Editar, Detalhes, Excluir
Este mĂłdulo manipula as informaçÔes bĂĄsicas sobre o histĂłrico de saĂșde do aluno, tais como se o aluno Ă© hipertenso, diabĂ©tico, fumante, etc. Diferentes tipos de doenças tambĂ©m podem ser selecionados. Estas doenças sĂŁo agrupadas em categorias, tais como doenças dos ossos e articulaçÔes, respiratĂłrias e doenças da tireoide. O estilo da atividade fĂ­sica na qual um aluno se encaixa quando ele se matricula na academia tambĂ©m pode ser selecionado.

AçÔes: Criar, Editar, Detalhes, Excluir
Este mĂłdulo trata das medidas das circunferĂȘncias do corpo do aluno. Estas sĂŁo as medidas que o sistema controla:
- Altura (m)
- Peso (kg)
- Gordura (%) 
- Pescoço (m)
- TĂłrax (m)
- GlĂșteos (m)
- Ombro (m)
- Abdome (m)
- Cintura (m)
- Braço Esquerdo (m)
- Braço Direito (m)
- Coxa Esquerda (m)
- Coxa direita (m)
- Panturrilha Esquerda (m)
- Panturrilha Direita (m)

O usuĂĄrio Ă© notificado atravĂ©s da lista de medidas se Ă© hora de tomar novas medidas de um aluno. O intervalo de tempo entre as avaliaçÔes (medidas) pode ser configurado no sistema. Atualmente estĂĄ definido como um intervalo de trĂȘs meses.
A % de Gordura é calculada pelo sistema através de uma fórmula padrão (ver link). Se o usuårio passar o mouse sobre o cabeçalho da coluna (%) Gordura na listagem de medidas ele verå uma tabela com valores padrão para % de gordura que inclui Essencial, Atleta, Fitness, Média e Obeso.

AçÔes: Criar, Editar, Detalhes, Excluir
Este mĂłdulo Ă© o coração do sistema, uma vez que lida com o que podemos chamar de a Raison d'ĂȘtre (razĂŁo de ser) de um sistema como este.
O sistema permite a criação de pagamentos para um determinado aluno.
O usuårio define um valor de desconto (se necessårio) e o campo total é calculado automaticamente. Depois disso uma data de pagamento deve ser selecionada. Hå também um campo de observação no qual o usuårio pode anotar alguma coisa importante relacionada ao pagamento.
O usuĂĄrio sinaliza que o pagamento foi realizado marcando o campo pago.
Sempre que um pagamento Ă© marcado como pago, o sistema gera um novo pagamento automaticamente (cĂłpia do pagamento feito) para o mesmo aluno com a data de vencimento 1 mĂȘs Ă  frente.

Este mĂłdulo gera 4 tipos de relatĂłrios. SĂŁo eles:

- Total de Pagamentos (grĂĄfico)
O usuĂĄrio seleciona uma data de inĂ­cio e uma data de fim para gerar um grĂĄfico de colunas que agrupa os pagamentos por mĂȘs.

- Pagamentos em Atraso/Vencidos (grid/lista) 
O sistema gera automaticamente um relatĂłrio em formato de lista extraindo os dados dos pagamentos que tĂȘm uma data de vencimento inferior a uma data especificada. Por exemplo: pode-se conceder uma margem (em dias) para que o sistema considere que o aluno estĂĄ em dĂ©bito - 1 semana, 2 semanas, etc apĂłs a data do vencimento do pagamento. Isso pode ser configurado no sistema.

- % Alunos Ativos/Inativos (grĂĄfico)
O sistema gera automaticamente um gråfico em formato de pizza que retrata muito bem essa informação.

- Medidas ao Longo do Tempo (grĂĄfico)
O usuårio seleciona um aluno e uma data de início e fim para gerar um belo gråfico de linhas que mostra o aumento/diminuição das medidas ao longo do tempo.

Por que comprar?
O principal benefĂ­cio Ă© que vocĂȘ terĂĄ um ponto central para gerenciar sua Academia de GinĂĄstica. A partir dele vocĂȘ pode extrair informaçÔes valiosas dos dados. Isto te permite estar sempre um passo Ă  frente para planejar seu prĂłximo passo. NĂŁo haverĂĄ mais anotaçÔes em cadernos e com isso vocĂȘ deixarĂĄ de perder dados importantes!

A aplicação é um arquivo .zip (arquivo compactado) e possui todo o que é necessårio para ser executada em um servidor web que tenha o .NET Framework 4 instalado.

Se precisar de ajuda adicional no que diz respeito Ă  hospedagem web/instalação e configuração, eu tambĂ©m posso fazer isso por vocĂȘ. É sĂł me avisar.

HĂĄ tambĂ©m a possibilidade de executar a aplicação em um servidor web local usando Microsoft WebMatrix por exemplo. É assim que instalei o sistema no computador do usuĂĄrio. Fazendo dessa forma vocĂȘ nĂŁo terĂĄ que pagar um provedor de hospedagem on-line. A Ășnica desvantagem neste caso Ă© que vocĂȘ nĂŁo serĂĄ capaz de acessar a aplicação a partir de qualquer lugar.

Como comprar?
Basta clicar no botão abaixo para comprar esta app barata ( somente R$ 1.200,00 ) através do PayPal:

Depois de clicar no botĂŁo acima e concluir o processo de pagamento, escreva para mim e me informe sobre sua compra. Poderei, entĂŁo, dar prosseguimento no processo de negociação entregando para vocĂȘ a aplicação atravĂ©s de e-mail. A aplicação estĂĄ contida em um arquivo .zip pequeno ~4MB.

Software Ă© um campo muito interessante porque vocĂȘ trabalha muito para construir uma aplicação, digamos meses, e o produto Ă© apenas um pacote de alguns megabytes. Vai entender…

Direitos autorais
Este produto de software Ă© protegido por direitos autorais.

VocĂȘ pode ler a EULA aqui (em construção).

Ficarei mais do que feliz em fornecer qualquer informação adicional que vocĂȘ precise para que a aplicação seja instalada e funcione em seu servidor.

Se vocĂȘ encontrar algum bug na aplicação eu prontamente irei corrigi-lo e disponibilizarei a aplicação atualizada para vocĂȘ.

Recursos adicionais
Se vocĂȘ precisar de qualquer outro recurso, seja ele um novo mĂłdulo ou relatĂłrio que nĂŁo faz parte desta aplicação, apenas me informe e o considerarei para uma versĂŁo futura.

Fitness Center management software ( web app )

Fitness Center Management System/Web Application
This is a web application that was born in a partnership between me (the only developer) and the owner of a Fitness Center that I happen to be a frequenter/student. It’s currently being used there and he (the owner/user) is really satisfied with it.

The application values simplicity and is super easy to use.

The following screenshot shows the home page from where the user can access the application functionalities. Click it to see a larger version…

Fitness Center Management System Home page

The app comprises 5 modules and has access control based on Roles (Administrator, User, etc).

- Students
- Anamneses
- Measurements
- Payments
- Reports (chart and grid based reports)

It’s available in Portuguese from Brazil (pt-BR) and English (en-US). It has everything in place in case of additional localization needs. It’s completely viable to have the app running in any other culture/language with little work.

Application styles/colors and logo can be customized using cascading style sheet (CSS).

The app uses state of the art technologies from Microsoft stack as well as open source libraries:
C#, .NET Framework 4, ASP.NET MVC 3, SQL Server Compact 4.1, CSS, jQuery 1.5.2, jQuery UI 1.8.12, jQuery Globalization 1.0, jQuery qTip2, modernizr 1.7, Microsoft MVC Ajax, Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET 4, WebGrid, Chirpy

You can see screenshots of the application here.

The subsequent sections describe each module and the actions the user is allowed to perform. Business logic is also described along the way if I see it fits. It’s not my intention to describe every business rule of the application in this post. It’s just an overview.

Actions: Create, Edit, Details, Delete
This module handles basic student data as photo, first and last names, birth date, address, gender, phone, email, etc. 
Everything in the system is related to Student. This means that if a Student is deleted, every other module's data is deleted as well.
Students that are in debt are highlighted in red in the Students list/grid.
If the name of a Student is clicked in the list, the system takes the user to the Payments list of that respective Student.

Actions: Create, Edit, Details, Delete
This module handles basic information about the Student health history such as if the student is hypertense, diabetic, smoker, etc. Different types of diseases can also be selected. These diseases are grouped in categories such as Bones and Joints, Respiratory and Thyroid diseases. The style of physical activity a student currently fits in when he/she joins the Fitness Center can also be selected.

Actions: Create, Edit, Details, Delete
This module handles measurements of a Student's body circumferences. These are the measurements the system keeps track:
- Height (m)
- Weight (kg)
- Fat (%)
- Neck (m)
- Thorax (m)
- Buttocks (m)
- Shoulder (m)
- Abdomen (m)
- Waist (m)
- Left Arm (m)
- Right Arm (m)
- Left Thigh (m)
- Right Thigh (m)
- Left Calf (m)
- Right Calf (m)

The user is notified through the measurements list if it's time to take new measurements for a Student. The time interval between measurements can be configured in the system. Currently this is set as a 3 month interval.
Fat (%) is calculated by the system. If the user hovers his mouse over the Fat (%) table header he/she can see a table with standard Fat (%) values that include Essential, Athletes, Fitness, Average and Obese.

Actions: Create, Edit, Details, Delete
This module is the heart of the system since it handles what we can call the Raison d'ĂȘtre of a system like this.
The system allows the creation of payments for a given Student. The user defines a value, discount (if necessary) and the Total field is automatically calculated. After that a Due date must be selected. There’s also an observation field in which the user can annotate anything important related to that payment. The user signals that a payment was made by checking the Paid field.
Whenever a payment is marked paid, the system automatically generates a new payment (copy of the payment being made) for that same Student with a due date 1 month ahead.

This module generates 4 types of reports. They are:

- Total Payments ( chart )
The user selects a Start and End date to generate a column chart that groups the payments by month.

- Overdue Payments ( grid/listing ) 
The system automatically generates a grid/listing report extracting data for payments that have a due date less than a specified date. This can be configured in the system.

- % of Active/Inactive Students ( chart )
The system automatically generates a pie chart that depicts very well this information.

- Measurements Over Time ( chart )
The user selects a Student and a Start and End date to generate a beautiful line chart that shows measurements increase/decrease over time.

Why to buy?
I think the main benefit is that you’ll have a centralized point to manage your Fitness Center. From this you can extract valued information from data and be always one step ahead to plan your next endeavor. No more notebook entries and missing important data!

The app is self-contained in a .zip file that has everything it needs to run on a webserver that has the .NET Framework 4 installed.

If you need additional assistance regarding installation/web server hosting and configuration, I can also do that for you. Just let me know.

There's also the possibility of running the app in a local webserver by using Microsoft WebMatrix for example. This is how I installed it in the user's computer. Doing this way you won't need to pay an online hosting provider. The only downside here is that you won't be able to access the app on the go.

How to buy?
Just click the following button to buy this cheap app ( only $ 600.00 ) through PayPal:

After clicking the button above and completing the payment process, write to me and let me know about the purchase. I can then go further in the negotiation process and handle you the app through e-mail since it’s a small .zip package ~4MB.

Software is a really interesting field because you put a lot of work to construct it, let’s say months and the product is just a package of only a few megabytes. Go figure.

I'll be more than happy in providing any further information you need to get the app up and running on your server.

If you find any bug in the app I'll promptly correct it and send the patched app to you.

Additional features
If you need any other feature, be it a new module or report that is not part of this app, just let me know and I'll consider it for a future release.

Generating code with Preprocessed T4 Text Templates

If you wanna be a T4 ninja, read all this: T4: Text Template Transformation Toolkit

Last Friday I was writing some code to populate a database with country/state information. I wrote the code to include Brazil and its 27 states but when I realized that I’d have to do the same thing again with USA and its states I thought that it’d be boring. US has 50 states and creating an object for each state would be a pain.

I have to populate the Name and Abbreviation properties of each State object. Each state is created this way in code:

new State()
        Name = "Alabama",
        Abbreviation = "AL",
        Country = country2

This sounded like a good a chance to try T4 Templates (Wikipedia article). T4 stands for Text Template Transformation Toolkit. That’s a beautiful name IMHO. I’ve read some articles about it since its inception but haven’t had a chance to try it. T4 can generate any text you want for whatever programming language.

T4 is used within Microsoft in ASP.NET MVC for the creation of the views and controllers, ADO.NET Entity Framework for entity generation, and ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Really powerful tool!

T4 came to my mind because I answered a question at StackOverflow 4 days ago: Is T4 template run every time it is requested? This proves that StackOverflow is a great tool to keep things fresh in your mind. The asker is creating e-mails with T4. I can imagine the creation of e-mail messages in a way that you pass a list of e-mail addresses an then for each e-mail address, T4 generates a .msg message. Just thinking..

So to start with T4 I created a simple Console Application as always and followed the steps described in this excellent MSDN step by step: Run-Time Text Generation by using Preprocessed T4 Text Templates.

To generate code to create each State object (50 in total) I created the following files within a Visual Studio Solution titled T4CodeGeneration:

T4 Code Generation Project in Solution Explorer viewFigure 1 - T4 Code Generation Project in Solution Explorer view

States’ information is stored within the USAStates.txt file that I got on the internet. This file have StateName, StateAbbreviation in each line. It’s a really basic CSV file…


To read this simple .txt file I wrote this code (Program.cs):

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        States code = new States(ReadData());
        String result = code.TransformText();
        File.WriteAllText("outputCode.cs", result);

    public static List<Tuple<string, string>> ReadData()
        List<Tuple<string, string>> states = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();

        using (var myCsvFile =
                new TextFieldParser(@"C:\Users\Leniel\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\T4CodeGeneration\USAStates.txt"))
            myCsvFile.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;

            while (!myCsvFile.EndOfData)
                string[] fieldArray;

// Reading line data fieldArray = myCsvFile.ReadFields(); } catch (MalformedLineException) { // Not a valid delimited line - log, terminate, or ignore continue; } // Process values in fieldArray states.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(fieldArray[0], fieldArray[1])); } } return states; } }

I’m using the built in TextFieldParser class in the ReadData() method that’s part of the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace. This class is used to read the CSV file. Take a look at the project’s references above. This class has everything one needs to read a simple text file.

I then read and add each line of the file to the states List<Tuple<string, string>>.

I use this states list within the T4 template to generate my custom code.

This is the content of the file (StatesCode.cs):

partial class States
    private readonly List<Tuple<string, string>> states;

    public States(List<Tuple<string, string>> states)
        this.states = states;

Interesting thing to note here is that it’s a partial class named States (this is the same name of the T4 template). During compilation this class code will be merged with the T4 accompanying States.cs file code (generated automatically by Visual Studio code generator). That’s why it’s a partial class… This class is used exclusively to pass data to the T4 template.

Now comes the really interesting part that lies within the file:

<#@ template language="C#" #>
var usaStates = new List<State>
<# foreach (Tuple<string, string> tuple in states) 
// states is declared in StatesCode.cs
{ #>
    new State()
        Name = "<#= tuple.Item1 #>",
        Abbreviation = "<#= tuple.Item2 #>",
        Country = country2
<# } // end of foreach #>

usaStates.ForEach(s => context.States.Add(s));

As you can see, the T4 template code has its own syntax and structures. C# code goes within <#  #> code blocks. To actually get a variable value you must place it within
<#=  #> code blocks. I’m using a foreach that traverses the states list. See that I’m accessing the Tuple<string, string> items (Item1 and Item2) within these code blocks.

Everything that lies outside <# #> is just static text and will be output as such in the generated result (code output). This is the case with the first two and last lines of T4 template code above.

Really important thing: check that you have set the T4 template CustomTool property appropriately to TextTemplatingFilePreprocessor as this is a critical part to make things work as expected:

T4 Template and Custom Tool Property configurationFigure 2 - T4 Template and Custom Tool Property configuration

Now to end result: when I run the project, the Main method (part of Program.cs above) is called:

static void Main(string[] args)
    States code = new States(ReadData());
    String result = code.TransformText();
    File.WriteAllText("outputCode.cs", result);

I read the data and pass it to the T4 template. I then call T4 TransformText() method that does the magic! Last but not least, the resulting code is written to a file called outputCode.cs.

I get a beautiful code that is placed in the Project’s Debug folder: C:\Users\Leniel\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\T4CodeGeneration\bin\Debug.

To accomplish my objective I just Copy/Paste this file code in my SampleData.cs class that I use in other project to seed my database.

As this is a pretty extensive code listing (that I’d have to type – oh my God!), I’ve chosen to let it for the final part of the post for your viewing pleasure. Open-mouthed smile See that the code is well formatted. To get code formatted you have to fight with your T4 template file.

Now that you have a basic overview of T4 I hope you have fun with it as I had. This is power in your hands. Now it’s up to you to give wings to your imagination!

Visual Studio 2010 Console Application

Code output:

var usaStates = new List<State>
    new State()
        Name = "Alabama",
        Abbreviation = "AL",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Alaska",
        Abbreviation = "AK",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Arizona",
        Abbreviation = "AZ",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Arkansas",
        Abbreviation = "AR",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "California",
        Abbreviation = "CA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Colorado",
        Abbreviation = "CO",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Connecticut",
        Abbreviation = "CT",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Delaware",
        Abbreviation = "DE",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Florida",
        Abbreviation = "FL",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Georgia",
        Abbreviation = "GA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Hawaii",
        Abbreviation = "HI",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Idaho",
        Abbreviation = "ID",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Illinois",
        Abbreviation = "IL",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Indiana",
        Abbreviation = "IN",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Iowa",
        Abbreviation = "IA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Kansas",
        Abbreviation = "KS",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Kentucky",
        Abbreviation = "KY",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Louisiana",
        Abbreviation = "LA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Maine",
        Abbreviation = "ME",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Maryland",
        Abbreviation = "MD",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Massachusetts",
        Abbreviation = "MA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Michigan",
        Abbreviation = "MI",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Minnesota",
        Abbreviation = "MN",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Mississippi",
        Abbreviation = "MS",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Missouri",
        Abbreviation = "MO",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Montana",
        Abbreviation = "MT",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Nebraska",
        Abbreviation = "NE",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Nevada",
        Abbreviation = "NV",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "New Hampshire",
        Abbreviation = "NH",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "New Jersey",
        Abbreviation = "NJ",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "New Mexico",
        Abbreviation = "NM",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "New York",
        Abbreviation = "NY",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "North Carolina",
        Abbreviation = "NC",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "North Dakota",
        Abbreviation = "ND",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Ohio",
        Abbreviation = "OH",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Oklahoma",
        Abbreviation = "OK",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Oregon",
        Abbreviation = "OR",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Pennsylvania",
        Abbreviation = "PA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Rhode Island",
        Abbreviation = "RI",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "South Carolina",
        Abbreviation = "SC",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "South Dakota",
        Abbreviation = "SD",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Tennessee",
        Abbreviation = "TN",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Texas",
        Abbreviation = "TX",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Utah",
        Abbreviation = "UT",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Vermont",
        Abbreviation = "VT",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Virginia",
        Abbreviation = "VA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Washington",
        Abbreviation = "WA",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "West Virginia",
        Abbreviation = "WV",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Wisconsin",
        Abbreviation = "WI",
        Country = country2
    new State()
        Name = "Wyoming",
        Abbreviation = "WY",
        Country = country2

usaStates.ForEach(s => context.States.Add(s));