Showing posts with label URL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label URL. Show all posts

How to add\pre-fill https://www. to input fields with type URL?

This is quick post for something I had to implement today. It's related to input fields with type="url".

What did I do?

Opened Visual Studio Code on the Views folder of a large ASP.NET MVC project and then searched for asp-for=(.*)URL using Regular Expression. That linked me to all the places (Razor .cshtml views) which had a @model (Model\ViewModel) class which happens to have an URL property.

Some of those Model\ViewModel properties didn't have the [Url] data annotation. I proceeded to add it to properties where it was missing. This data annotation is responsible for correctly generating the <input type="url" ... > on the HTML when using Razor's html helpers like this for example:

<input asp-for="Organization.URL" class="form-control">
It'll generate this HTML code:

<input class="form-control"
data-val-url="The URL field is not a valid fully-qualified http, https, or ftp URL."
With that in place I crafted some jQuery\JavaScript code that does the magic:

* For all inputs with type URL and which are empty,
* we add https://www. when the input has focus.
function addHttpsWwwToInputTypeUrl() {
$("input[type='url'][value='']").focus(function () {
The code is self-explanatory. It selects all inputs with type="url" and which are empty. Once the input gets focus, https://www. is added automatically to the input's value. The user now only has to complete the URL address. No more typing https://www. everytime.

The only thing necessary now is to call this JavaScript function in a central place so that it can be applied everywhere in your project.

That's it... a simple but nice user experience to have in your app. Hope it helps.

Automate the download of a list of URLs/links

I just wanted to automate the process of downloading a list of URLs/links. I thought about asking a question at SuperUser. So I did that and got a few answers. One of those answers pointed to the piece of software that does exactly what I wanted. The software is a Firefox add-on that I had used a long time ago but couldn’t think about it for this task. Its name is DownThemAll!. Yes with an exclamation mark at the end. I think this has to do with a relief felling you feel when you’re using it.

In this post I’ll walk you through the steps necessary to get your downloads going in a really fast way (fasten your seat belt). No more downloading and saving file by file. Phew!

I’m going to use the same list of URLs I posted on my question at SuperUser.

Suppose you have a list of URLs as this one:

Save this list in a text file [ .txt ] extension and name it MP3s.txt.

Now let’s get DownThemAll! and do the real thing…

1 - Install DownThemAll! add-on for Firefox. After installing restart Firefox.

2 - Go to Firefox menu and select Tools - DownThemAll! Tools - Manager... Right-click inside DownThemAll! screen.

3 - Select context menu Misc - Import from file.

4 - On Import downloads dialog window make sure you select Text Files in the dropdown list.

5 - Point to the text file MP3s.txt that contains the URLs. Click Open button.

6 - On Make your selection dialog window, DownThemAll! will load each link it finds in the text file allowing you to select which ones you want to download and the folder where you want the files to be saved as well.

7 - Make your selections, click Start button.

Here's a screenshot of it just doing the "Downloading" part:

DownThemAll! downloading the list of URLs from my question at SuperUser
Figure 1 - DownThemAll! downloading the list of URLs from my question at SuperUser

Oh… and this is the feature request on DownThemAll! trac opened 3 years ago.

Nice to see this implemented and working so well.

Congrats to DownThemAll! developers and users. Fantastic add-on.