Showing posts with label jQuery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jQuery. Show all posts

How to add\pre-fill https://www. to input fields with type URL?

This is quick post for something I had to implement today. It's related to input fields with type="url".

What did I do?

Opened Visual Studio Code on the Views folder of a large ASP.NET MVC project and then searched for asp-for=(.*)URL using Regular Expression. That linked me to all the places (Razor .cshtml views) which had a @model (Model\ViewModel) class which happens to have an URL property.

Some of those Model\ViewModel properties didn't have the [Url] data annotation. I proceeded to add it to properties where it was missing. This data annotation is responsible for correctly generating the <input type="url" ... > on the HTML when using Razor's html helpers like this for example:

<input asp-for="Organization.URL" class="form-control">
It'll generate this HTML code:

<input class="form-control"
data-val-url="The URL field is not a valid fully-qualified http, https, or ftp URL."
With that in place I crafted some jQuery\JavaScript code that does the magic:

* For all inputs with type URL and which are empty,
* we add https://www. when the input has focus.
function addHttpsWwwToInputTypeUrl() {
$("input[type='url'][value='']").focus(function () {
The code is self-explanatory. It selects all inputs with type="url" and which are empty. Once the input gets focus, https://www. is added automatically to the input's value. The user now only has to complete the URL address. No more typing https://www. everytime.

The only thing necessary now is to call this JavaScript function in a central place so that it can be applied everywhere in your project.

That's it... a simple but nice user experience to have in your app. Hope it helps.

Adding title attribute to Social Identity Providers [IDPs] buttons when using Azure AD B2C custom policies

This is a simple post that shows how you can achieve exactly what the blog title says...

You'll need only some jQuery code once you enable JavaScript for the custom policy.

By default the social login buttons are shown only with text. They don't have title attributes that are used as tooltips by default when hovering the button during 2 seconds or so.

Let's say that for the social IDPs buttons we want to show only the button logo instead of the button text to make the screen overall look & feel cleaner. However it'd be nice to show a title\tooltip to inform the user what IDP that button refers to in case they don't get it by only seeing the logo.

To accomplish that follow these 2 straightforward steps:

1 - Enable JavaScript execution inside UserJourneyBehaviors in your Azure B2C custom sign in\sing up policy .xml file:


2 - Add this code in the corresponding policy signin.html page:


    // Adding title to each Social button...
    $(".accountButton").each(function (index)
      var title = $(this).text();

      $(this).prop('title', title);


Once loading the B2C login page you should see something as this when you hover your cursor over any social IDP button:

Enabling and using JavaScript allows us to extend functionality in many places.

JavaScript regex + jQuery to allow only English chars/letters in input textbox

Yesterday I answered this question at StackOverflow. The questioner wanted this:

How to allow only English, numeric and special chars in textbox using jQuery or JavaScript?

My answer was this:

$('#mytextbox').bind('keyup blur', function () {
    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ''))

It has a flaw because if you test it, you’ll see that every time a disallowed character is typed, the keyboard caret/text cursor goes to the end of the textbox. This is something that shouldn’t happen. Aristos mentioned something that I hadn’t tested: “the problem with your answer is that if you try to type something in the middle of the text, the cursor moves to the end.” He is absolutely right. You can test it below. Click the Result tab and type a digit like 7 or some other disallowed char in the middle of the textbox text to spot the problem:

OK – of course there must be a solution to this annoying problem and I couldn't miss the opportunity to play with it to find something that just works as expected. This answer by Ender helped me get there. The following code is what I came up with. I commented the code so it should be easy to understand what's going on:

$("#mytextbox").on("keypress", function (event) {

    // Disallow anything not matching the regex pattern (A to Z uppercase, a to z lowercase and white space)
    // For more on JavaScript Regular Expressions, look here:
    var englishAlphabetAndWhiteSpace = /[A-Za-z ]/g;

    // Retrieving the key from the char code passed in event.which
    // For more info on even.which, look here:
    var key = String.fromCharCode(event.which);


    // For the keyCodes, look here:
    // keyCode == 8  is backspace
    // keyCode == 37 is left arrow
    // keyCode == 39 is right arrow
    // englishAlphabetAndWhiteSpace.test(key) does the matching, that is, test the key just typed against the regex pattern
    if (event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 39 || englishAlphabetAndWhiteSpace.test(key)) {
        return true;

    // If we got this far, just return false because a disallowed key was typed.
    return false;

$('#mytextbox').on("paste", function (e) {

Try it below:

Now you can type in the middle of the text and the text cursor should maintain its position.

The above version allows accented chars like á, é, â, ê, etc…

Note also that there’s a new event handler function (paste) attached to the input textbox. This removes the possibility of user pasting text in the textbox.

If you want to allow numbers/digits or any other special characters, it’s just a matter of updating the regular expression pattern. For example: if you want to allow digits from 0 to 9, just use this regex pattern:

var englishAlphabetAndDigits = /[A-Za-z0-9 ]/g;

Full code:

$("#mytextbox").on("keypress", function (event) {

    // Disallow anything not matching the regex pattern (A to Z uppercase, a to z lowercase, digits 0 to 9 and white space)
    // For more on JavaScript Regular Expressions, look here:
    var englishAlphabetDigitsAndWhiteSpace = /[A-Za-z0-9 ]/g;

    // Retrieving the key from the char code passed in event.which
    // For more info on even.which, look here:
    var key = String.fromCharCode(event.which);


    // For the keyCodes, look here:
    // keyCode == 8  is backspace
    // keyCode == 37 is left arrow
    // keyCode == 39 is right arrow
    // englishAlphabetDigitsAndWhiteSpace.test(key) does the matching, that is, test the key just typed against the regex pattern
    if (event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 39 || englishAlphabetDigitsAndWhiteSpace.test(key)) {
        return true;

    // If we got this far, just return false because a disallowed key was typed.
    return false;

$('#mytextbox').on("paste", function (e) {

Here’s an updated jsFiddle that allows digits:

It’s really impressive what some small amount of JavaScript and jQuery code allows you to do on the client side. Actually if you care there are more comments than codez… Surprised smile

There’s no doubt JavaScript and JQuery will reign in the years to come.

About the code
As everything in software the above piece of code needs more testing. If you find a bug or some functionality that is missing, just leave a comment.

JavaScript Regular Expressions Guide by

Validating Date with MVC Foolproof Validation on the client side

This is a quick tip for something that I just tried with an ASP.NET MVC app and that worked as expected.

I use MVC Foolproof Validation to complement the standard validators that come with ASP.NET MVC in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations assembly. Foolproof has some awesome validators like:

[RequiredIf] [RequiredIfNot] [RequiredIfTrue] [RequiredIfFalse] [RequiredIfEmpty] [RequiredIfNotEmpty] [RequiredIfRegExMatch] [RequiredIfNotRegExMatch]

You can get it through a NuGet package here.

Let’s say you have a form with a DateTime field called “Show Until” that is part of a Notice object. This property stores a date value that should be in the future obviously. It makes no sense to set a date in the past for this field. So the question is: how can you get client side validation for this field without the need of going to the server to compare the date the user entered with today’s date?

This is what this post will show you…

This is the model property decorated with the respective data annotation GreaterThanOrEqualTo:

[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "Required", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Localization))]
[Display(Name = "ShowUntil", ResourceType = typeof(Localization))]
[GreaterThanOrEqualTo("Today", ErrorMessageResourceName = "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Localization))]
public DateTime ShowUntil { get; set; }

Pay attention to that "Today", string value. It tells Foolproof’s validator to compare the ShowUntil property with a property called Today (the dependent property). Wait a moment: the Notice object doesn’t have a property called Today since it’s not necessary. What’s the point? Confused smile

Now let’s add a partial class to extend the Notice class with a property called Today. This property returns Today’s date of course.

public partial class Notice
    public DateTime Today
        get { return DateTime.Today; }

Run the app now, enter a date in the past for the ShowUntil field and submit the form. You’ll see that a postback is made to the server and only after that the validation error message is shown to the user. Foolproof’s validator doesn’t know what’s the value of Today yet since it’s not part of the form data being edited. Remember: this kind of server side validation is not what we want. We want client side validation. We don’t want this data round-trip to the server just to validate one field in the form. So, how to solve this? It’s pretty simple…

Inside your form view (.cshtml file) since I’m using C# as the programming language and Razor view engine, add this hidden field:

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Today)

Now reload the page and try entering a date in the past like yesterday’s date. You’ll see that the user gets the validation error message instantly. Why? Because now Foolproof’s jQuery validator that is added to page has Today’s date value present in the form’s HTML output (that’s the purpose of the hidden field). If you look at the form/page source code in the browser (right click the browser window and select “View Page Source” in Firefox), you’ll se this value:

<input data-val="true" id="Today" name="Today" type="hidden" value="29/06/2012 00:00:00" />

That’s it. No date in the past is allowed when adding a new Notice to the system.

This use case can be considered a good use for Hidden fields. They serve a multitude of purposes…

Hope it helps.

Updated at 12:45 PM

You see how things are... after posting this I just discovered a really straightforward way of getting what I wanted (by chance) I can tell you. I wasn’t looking for this anymore when I hit this StackOverflow question. Looks like God took me there… Open-mouthed smile I happen to be using jQuery UI Datepicker control too. It has between its vast array of options a minDate property. So if you do this:

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function ()
        $("#ShowUntil").datepicker('option', 'minDate', new Date());


new Date() is Today in Javascript and so the datepicker won’t allow the selection of dates in the past. One word: AWESOME. One liner with jQuery help!

Hide table column and colorize rows based on value with jQuery

This is a handy piece of code that I used last year in one of my projects. I had scheduled to post it but it was just after I saw this question at StackOverflow that I decided to write about it. So here it is…

Let’s say you want a nice UI experience and to achieve that you wanna colorize/highlight a table row according to a given value present in a column of this row.
This is a simple task when we use jQuery.

I use the WebGrid that comes with ASP.NET MVC to display data on a web page using an HTML <table> element. It’s available in the namespace System.Web.Helpers. The approach described in this post is useful not only with the WebGrid but with any framework/language you use to output HTML code since the manipulation is done on the client side with jQuery.

Take this screen as an example:

HTML table with last column Active to be hidden displaying values Yes and NoFigure 1 - HTML table with last column Active to be hidden displaying values Yes and No

We want hide the last column “Active” and color the row which has a value Yes in this same column.

The above statement can be accomplished with the following code:

(function ($)
{ hideColumnColorRow = function (column)
{ $(
'td:nth-child(' + column + '),th:nth-child( ' + column + ')').hide(); $('tr').find('td:nth-child(' + column + '):contains(Yes)').parent().css('backgroundColor', 'LightGreen'); // Could be an hexadecimal value as #EE3B3B };

The hideColumnColorRow function* takes the column number as a parameter. It hides the column <td> and its header <th> using jQuery’s supper useful nth-child selector. Then for each table row <tr> it traverses the row’s columns and looks at the value of each column using :contains selector. If it finds a value = ‘Yes’ it’ll assign a background color to the column’s parent, that in this case is the <tr> (the row) using its CSS backgroundColor property.

So, taking Figure 1 as an example, the above code can be used in an ASP.NET MVC view this way:

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function ()
hideColumnColorRow(5); // Hiding the 5th column and colorizing the row for which this column has a value = Yes

* I’ve placed the jQuery/JavaScript function inside a file named custom.js. It resides inside the Scripts folder of the sample app available here. There’s no need to reference this script file in the view page because with the introduction of ASP.NET 4.5 we now have an all new Bundling and Minification Support for CSS and JavaScript files.

When the the app is run, this is the result:

HTML table with column Active hidden and highlighted rows based on its valueFigure 2 - HTML table with column Active hidden and highlighted rows based on its value

This is a really interesting requirement that one can implement in no time thanks to the power of jQuery. jQuery is one of the most fascinating things when we talk about software development. Its creator “John Resig” should be awarded a Computer Science Nobel Prize if that existed. Well it could be the Turing Award.

Anyone should take a look at jQuery and start using it as early as possible. It’s a must have today. I simply love it! Coração vermelho

Source code
I’ve put together a sample ASP.NET MVC 4 (uses NET Framework 4.5) so that you can try this out. You can run the app using the recently launched Visual Studio 11 Beta. You can download the free Visual Studio 11 Express Beta for Web here and the app code here.

Hope it helps.

Using jQuery to disable/enable and check/uncheck Radio Buttons on Date selected

Motivated by this question on StackOverflow - Disable radio button depending on date, I decided to help and here I’m with another code snippet post.

This time I show you how to use jQuery UI and its Datepicker control to control a set of radio buttons (only 2 in this post to make things easier) that have their state (enabled/disabled) changed depending on the date selected by the user.

Here’s the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>jQuery UI - Datepicker & Radio Buttons</title>

<!-- Linking to jQuery stylesheets and libraries -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>




// Event raised everytime a date is selected in the datepicker
            onSelect: function(date)
// Self explanatory :) - used to get today's date
                var today = new Date();

// Business logic to change radio buttons' state                 if($("#datepicker").datepicker("getDate") > today)
$("#radioButton1").attr('disabled', true);
$("#radioButton2").attr('disabled', false); 
$("#radioButton1").attr('disabled', false);
$("#radioButton2").attr('disabled', true); 

// Just setting the default localization for the datepicker

<p>Date: <input id="datepicker" type="text"></p>

<input id="radioButton1" type="radio" value="myValue1" name="radioButton1"/>Radio button 1<br/>
<input id="radioButton2" type="radio" value="myValue2" name="radioButton2"/>Radio button 2



If you wanted to control the state (checked/unchecked) you’d have to make a small change in the code as follows:

// Business logic to change radio buttons' state                 if($("#datepicker").datepicker("getDate") > today)

$("#radioButton1").attr('checked', true); 
$("#radioButton2").attr('checked', false);  


$("#radioButton1").attr('checked', false); 
$("#radioButton2").attr('checked', true);  

When you open the page for the first time you get this screen:

Page when viewed for the first time (both radio buttons are enabled)
Figure 1 - Page when viewed for the first time (both radio buttons are enabled)

If you pick a date that is greater than today’s date, Radio button 1 is disabled (turns to gray) and Radio button 2 is enabled according to the logic implemented.

Radio button 1 is disabled (turns to gray) and Radio button 2 is enabled
Figure 2 - Radio button 1 is disabled (turns to gray) and Radio button 2 is enabled

Otherwise, Radio button 2 is disabled and Radio button 1 is enabled:

Radio button 2 is disabled and Radio button 1 is enabled
Figure 3 - Radio button 2 is disabled and Radio button 1 is enabled

Hope you make good use of it.